Earthquake design
The following is a compilation of helpful brochures and technical literature for earthquake-resistant design and dimensioning in construction practice.
Brochures for earthquake-compatible construction
- Advice for building in earthquake zones in Baden-Württemberg
- Earthquake-resistant construction with sand-lime bricks
- Earthquake-resistant construction with brick masonry
- Seismic design of buildings - principles for engineers, architects, clients and authorities
- Earthquake-resistant timber buildings with FERMACELL gypsum fiber boards
- Verification of earthquake resistance of timber buildings
Recommended literature
Bachmann, H.: Earthquake safety of structures. 2nd revised edition, Basel: Birkhäuser Verlag, 2002
Meskouris, K., Hinzen, K.-G., Butenweg, C., Mistler, M.: Structures and earthquakes, 3rd extended and updated edition with applications according to DIN 4149:2005 and DIN EN 1998-1, Vieweg-Verlag, 2011
Paulay, T., Bachmann, H., Moser, K.: Earthquake design of reinforced concrete buildings. Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel 1990